日本財団 図書館


The philosophy of disaster management is very important.
Disaster management has two components such as risk management before disaster and crisis management after disaster. Time series of the management are Mitigation-Preparedness-Response-Recovery-Social Mitigation as shown in Fig. 3. This is not circulation structure but spiral one because our society has advanced year by year. Reconstruction of old type infrastructure which was constructed before disaster is inadequate to recover better environments in our society. Contents of catastrophic disaster management include four wares, such as hardware, software, humanware and commandware management. In the ordinary damage scale due to natural disaster, software includes humanware and commandware, but in catastrophe, we recommend that the last two wares independently form the disaster management systems as shown in Table 2.


3.2 Crisis management
In order to reduce human and property damage due to unexpected large scale disaster, post-crisis management is very important. The final goal of crisis management is to get societal recovery and to create new urban environment. Crisis management consists of five stages as shown in Fig. 4.
1) Direct response (24 hour basis just after disaster): Search and rescue (security of life), disaster medical care, secondary disaster warning such as eruption of fire, toxic substance spill out and tsunamis, urgent attendance to the government office including fire station, police station and military base. Muster of central and local government officers is also very urgent. Search and rescue operations done by Kobe City Fire fighting Rescue Teams in the 1995 disaster is shown in Fig. 5. They saved a total of 1,888 from 17th to 23rd of January and the survived was 733. On only first day, the number of the survived was larger than those of the dead. In the case of collapsed wooden houses, "golden 72 hours" is too late to reduce loss of human lives. Collection, analysis and share of information is the key of direct response and following management.
2) Urgent response (one to three days after): Shelter, control of traffic, information network ,logistics and emergency of medical are included.
3) Emergent response: Temporal housing, share of information about life, lifeline and infrastructures,



Fig. 3 Spiral structure of disaster management


Table 2 Disaster management and four wares





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